Deploy SCCM client : other methods

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in precious article we have discussed the deployment client methods

and we have push client to all computers in site successfully

this article : we will discuss the other  methods to deploy SCCM client  

Software update-based client installation

Software update-based client installation publishes the client to a software update point as a software update.

Use this method for a first-time installation or upgrade.

If the Configuration Manager client is installed on a computer, the computer receives client policy from the site.

This policy includes the software update-point server name and port from which to get software updates.

Please be careful

For software update-based installation, use the same Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server for client installation and software updates.

This server must be the active software update point in a primary site

If the Configuration Manager client isn’t installed on a computer, configure and assign a Group Policy Object. The Group Policy specifies the server name of the software update point.

You can’t add command-line properties to a software update-based client installation.

If you’ve extended the Active Directory schema for Configuration Manager, the client installation automatically queries Active Directory Domain Services for the installation properties.

Publish the Configuration Manager client to the software update point

  • In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Administrationworkspace, expand Site Configuration, and select the Sites
  • Select the site for which you want to configure software update-based client installation.
  • On the Hometab of the ribbon, in the Settings group, select Client Installation Settings, and then select Software Update-Based Client Installation.
  • Select Enable software update-based client installation.
  • If the site’s client version is more recent than the version on the software update point, the Later Version of Client Package Detected dialog box opens. Select Yes to publish the most recent version.

Group Policy software deployment

 Use Group Policy in Active Directory Domain Services to publish or assign the Configuration Manager client.

 The client installs when the computer starts.

 When you use Group Policy, the client appears in Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. The user can install it from there.

Use the Windows Installer package CCMSetup.msi for Group Policy-based installations.

This file is found in the <ConfigMgr installation directory>\bin\i386 folder on the site server.

You can’t add properties to this file to change installation behavior.

Please be careful

  • You must have administrator permissions to access the client installation files.
  • If you’ve extended the Active Directory schema for Configuration Manager, and you selected the domain on the Publishing tab of the Site Properties dialog box, client computers automatically search Active Directory Domain Services for installation properties.  

Manual installation from clent computer

Manually install the client software on computers by using CCMSetup.exe.

You can find this program and its supporting files in the Client folder in the Configuration Manager installation folder on the site server. The site shares this folder to the network as:


 Please be careful to :

 Manual installation from client side   is NOT recommended at ALL

  • Before client installation , its recommended to install Fsp [FallBack Status Point ] àwhich will be used by client to send any error installation issue
  • You must have administrator permissions to access the client installation files.
  • exe copies all necessary prerequisites to the client computer and calls the Windows Installer package (Client.msi) to install the client. You can’t run Client.msi directly.
  • To modify the behavior of the client installation, specify command-line options for both CCMSetup.exe and Client.msi. Make sure that you specify CCMSetup parameters that begin with / before you specify Client.msi properties. For example:


package and program installation

Use Configuration Manager to create and deploy a package and program that upgrades the client software for selected devices.

Configuration Manager supplies a package definition file that populates the package properties with typically used values.

 Customize the behavior of the client installation by specifying additional command-line parameters and properties.

 Please be careful to :

  • You can’t upgrade Configuration Manager 2007 clients by using this method. Instead, use automatic client upgrade, which automatically creates and deploys a package that contains the latest version of the client

Create a package and program for the client software

Use the following procedure to create a Configuration Manager package and program that you can deploy to Configuration Manager client computers to upgrade the client software.

  • In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Software Libraryworkspace, expand Application Management, and select the Packages
  • On the Hometab of the ribbon, in the Create group, select Create Package from Definition.
  • On the Package Definitionpage of the wizard, select Microsoft from the Publisher list, and select Configuration Manager Client Upgrade from the Package definition
  • On the Source Files page, select Always obtain files from a source folder.
  • On the Source Folder page, select Network path (UNC Name). Then enter the network path of the server and share that contains the client installation files.

 OS image installation


Preinstall the Configuration Manager client on a reference computer that you use to create an OS image.

  • Manually install the Configuration Manager client software on the reference computer
  • At a command prompt, type net stop ccmexecto stop the SMS Agent Host service (CcmExec.exe) on the reference computer.
  • Delete the SMSCFG.INI file from the Windows folder on the reference computer.
  • Remove any certificates that are stored in the local computer store on the reference computer. For example, if you use PKI certificates, before you image the computer, remove the certificates in the Personalstore for Computer and User.
  • If the clients are installed in a different Configuration Manager hierarchy than the hierarchy of the reference computer, remove the trusted root key from the reference computer.

 Please be careful

  • When you use the Configuration Manager task sequence to deploy an OS image, the Prepare ConfigMgr Clientstep completely removes the Configuration Manager client.
  • If clients can’t query Active Directory Domain Services to locate a management point, they use the trusted root key to determine trusted management points.
  • If you deploy all imaged clients in the same hierarchy as that of the master computer, leave the trusted root key in place.
  • If you deploy the clients in different hierarchies, remove the trusted root key. Also provision these clients with the new trusted root key.  
  • Use your imaging software to capture an image of the reference computer.
  • Deploy the image to the destination computers.


in precious article we have discussed the deployment client methods

this article : we have discussed  the other  methods to deploy SCCM client  

what ever method you use to deploy SCCM client > please make sure to verify successful installation 

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